Media matters: the value of productivity

When Professor of Economics Gail Pacheco was first asked to front a video for the NZ Productivity Commission, she hesitated.

As head of AUT's NZ Work Research Institute, as well as a Productivity Commissioner, Gail was accustomed to doing media interviews and "translating" data-driven research into language and concepts that made sense to the general public.

But the task at hand – explain in a succinct yet compelling way what productivity is and why it's important for wellbeing was not going to be straightforward.

How to explain key concepts without jargon and in a way that would keep people interested and (let's face it) awake?

The result speaks for itself: a short (under two minutes), catchy video that features simple words, lively animation and a clear message about why Kiwis should care about NZ's productivity levels.

Watch the video

Article date: 10/06/2021 2:20pm

Article author: Amber Older